I was posting pretty consistently for a while and then I started to feel like I was wasting my time. Were people really interested in what I had to say?? Or, was it just a collection of my close friends and family members stopping by to see what I had written? So, I thought, "to heck with it." I just stopped posting. I felt like blogs that were accentuating negative feelings and emotions were getting more readership. My blog was "too positive." No one wants to hear from someone who is actually being successful at weight-loss. Where's the drama in that? This made me think my blog was like the people who are replaced on reality TV shows because they are "boring." (Whatever that means...)
Well, guess what....I'm not going to let any of that stop me. I'M BACK! With all of my positive, happy, inspirational glory. If you need to feel good about yourself, feel encouraged or inspired, this is the place for you. I may even make you laugh a time or two. So get ready, MORE POSTS TO COME!
I'm glad you're back! I love your positive attitude. OWN it, girl!! xoxo